How to Create a Taxi Booking App Like InDriver?

July 17, 2023

The taxi booking app market is booming globally with promising returns, which has made several start-ups try making their own taxi booking app. When building taxi-booking apps, the first thing that crosses your mind is the required budget or how soon you can launch your application idea. 

There are various factors at play when building ride-hailing app like InDriver, OLA. Uber clone, Bolt, etc. You must create a list of features, choose the right technology stack, understand the monetization capabilities, and more. Understanding how the InDriver app works and its business model is necessary to take the help of a reputed mobile app development company, they will help you make a well-informed decision on how to proceed with the project.

This blog provides insights on creating an app-like InDriver and the budget required to complete the project. Without any further delay, let’s begin.

What is the InDriver Taxi Booking App? 

InDriver app is a popular taxi booking application that allows consumers and taxi drivers to negotiate fares between them seamlessly. The flexibility of fare negotiation creates a unique experience for both parties and has made InDriver a unique on-demand taxi and delivery services app.

Indriver became a success in no time owing to its unique concept. The following is an overview of the success of the InDriver Taxi App.

  • 150+ Million Downloads
  • Successfully operating across 47 nations
  • Second largest among ridesharing and taxi app
  • Already provided for one billion+ rides and counting

Here’s the Business Module of the InDriver App

Various Aspects Features or Responsibilities
Key Partners
  • Drivers
  • Passengers/Consumers looking for a courier
  • Investors
  • Payment Processors
  • Technology Partners
Customer Segment
  • Passengers
  • Drivers
  • Clients Requiring Delivery Services
Value Proposition for Service Users
  • On-demand Services
  • Fare Negotiation
  • Door-To-Door Delivery
  • Rating System
Value Proposition for Drivers
  • Switch To Driver
  • No Investment Upfront For Drivers
  • Scope Of Earning
Monetization Approach
  • Commission Per Transaction
Top Competitors
  • Bolt
  • DiDi
  • Uber
  • Little
  • Mevo
  • Bliq

Must-Have Features to Create a Taxi Booking App like InDriver

The on-demand taxi booking app development of InDriver has three main categories of users; Riders, Drivers, and Admins. The developed taxi booking app must offer proper features, user roles, and permissions for each type.

Must-Have Features For Riders

  • Fare Negotiations

People trying to book a taxi must be able to bid for their ride seamlessly through the application. The app must have a simple interface allowing riders to negotiate fares with the driver. 

  • Push Notifications

With push notifications, you can easily update riders about their ride details.

  • Communication

It’s vital that the online taxi booking app offers in-app chat and call features for effortless communication between the rider and the driver.

  • Accept/Reject Offers

Riders must be able to use the interface to quickly accept or decline the offers given by the drivers. Additionally, riders must be able to cancel their ride anytime, anywhere from the passenger app. 

  • In-App & Other Payment Options

Post-reaching destination, the rider must be able to pay the driver (already agreed-amount)  through various payment options like cash, digital wallets, etc.  

Must-Have Features For Drivers

  • Accept or Reject Offers & Negotiate

The driver must be able to accept or reject the available offers. Additionally, the driver must be able to easily negotiate with the rider.

  • Driver Availability

The taxi booking app must allow the driver to mark their availability. This also boosts the user experience for drivers and riders using the application.

  • Driver Profile

The driver profile must allow the user with automated updates on ratings and reviews offered by the riders. 

Additional Features

  • Bidding counter offer to the riders
  • Rating the riders

Must-Have Features For Admin Panel of Taxi App Development

The admin panel of the InDriver app must offer the following features:

  • Managing several transactions and keeping track of them
  • Tracking the revenue by city, country, and other parameters
  • Designing roles and responsibilities for different users accessing the admin panel
  • Verify riders and drivers in case the automated verification fails
  • Generate various kinds of reports
  • Ban certain users from accessing the application in case of mischievous activities found against specific users

Simple Steps to Create & Launch a Taxi-Booking InDriver App

<img src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22' data-src="Simple-Steps-to-Create-Launch-a-Taxi-Booking-InDriver-App.jpg" alt="Simple Steps to Create & Launch a Taxi-Booking InDriver App">

Step-1: Research and Planning

The successful development of any project begins with in-depth research and analysis. You need to consider several factors: the end users’ preference, the demand for voice-chat capabilities among the users, target locations, immediate competitors, etc. This will help you plan a feasible roadmap for building the taxi booking application. 

At the end of this phase, you need to enlist the following:

  • List of must-have features
  • App users
  • Target locations for launching the app
  • App to be deployed on iOS, Android, Windows, etc.
  • Any additional features

Step 2: UI/UX Design

Once the plan is ready, it’s time to create wireframes of the several screens and analyze their flow. The wireframe designs must correspond to an intuitive flow and smooth navigation.  At this phase, the front-end developers and the UI/UX designers coordinate to create a friendly interface design. At JS Panther mobile app development company, we develop immersive UI designs that drive a high user experience. 

Step 3: Create the Application Code

It’s best to code the application using cross-platform technologies like React Native or Flutter. This way, you can launch the application on iOS and Android platforms. Popular taxi booking app Uber is also a cross-platform mobile app developed using React Native technology. Hire dedicated React Native developers who can customize the application code for flawless performance over multiple mobile operating systems. 

Step 4: Testing & QA Analysis

Once the application code is ready, it’s vital to perform unit, integration, and performance testing of the app code. Based on the requirements, the app can be tested for various loopholes or performance issues like speed, user-friendliness, etc by the QA team. The QA analysis of the application helps eliminate bugs effectively and ensures that the app meets promised performance and features. 

Step 5: Application Launch

Once the App passes the QA stage, it’s time to launch it on various platforms like Android and iOS. If your target audience uses Windows smartphones, you must launch it over Windows too. Further you need to update new features based on the user’s demand and emerging technologies into the taxi booking application.

Wrapping Up

That was all about how to build a taxi booking application like InDriver. Based on your business prospects, you can customize this application to meet users’ demands seamlessly. Building an InDriver type of app can cost you between $25,000 to $50,000. It depends mainly upon the scalability aspects and the core features decided for the mobile app.

Our skilled JS Panther developers can build this application for flawless performance. We make platform-specific UIs that help to provide the mobile app with a native look and feel.

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