June 23, 2020
Node.js is the most used development framework in the world, and JavaScript is the fifth most popular language. Brands who invested in Node.js development services have experienced a boost in their productivity, performance and efficiency. Brands like PayPal, Yahoo, eBay, and Netflix use this technology for various purposes. Therefore, we have enlisted the main reasons […]
February 25, 2020
Best Node.js tools are our subjective list of the tools which we use regularly here at JS Panther. We decided to share our stack and make life easier for those who, like us, work with Node.js. I recently came across a survey on StackOverflow that stated more than 49% of developers use Node.js for their projects. Well, […]
January 16, 2020
Node.js is a popular open-source JavaScript runtime environment that is quickly becoming the standard for enterprise-level organizations. Node.js enables businesses to build fast and scalable applications with the same language that powers the web. It is lightweight, efficient, and offers unparalleled scalability, making it an ideal platform for enterprise development. In today’s cut-throat competitive era, […]
December 10, 2019
Authentication is an important process for many applications. Integrating Auth0 into Node.js can simplify the authentication process and make it much easier for developers. In this blog, you’ll learn how to create a simple and secure Node.js application with the Express web framework by integrating auth0 API in the application. What is Auth0 and Why […]
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