16 Vue.js Best Practices for Building Modern Web Apps

July 5, 2024
Vue.js Best Practices

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building lightweight web apps. The technology comes with various out-of-the-box features for designing intuitive frontends. Vuejs developers can construct lightweight applications that drive high UX.

The technology follows a minimal approach that provides an edge in building apps. However, it is essential to focus on Vuejs best practices, or the app may fail to perform optimally.

This blog helps you understand the industry standard practices involved in building application code with the Vuejs technology.

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a JavaScript-powered open-source progressive framework that simplifies web development. It focuses on building front-end designs that visitors interact with.
As per Built With Trends, as much as 6,807,975 websites have been built using Vue.js and counting. Choosing to hire Vue.js developer can help you tailor futuristic websites that load quickly and offer excellent performance.

The technology is largely helpful in building web interfaces and one-page applications.

Here are 16 Vuejs Best Practices for Building a Clean Code


  • Use key Inside v-for

Deploying key attributes and directives together helps to make predictable and persistent apps. Developers can easily track Vue components and get perfect references for diverse elements.

Neglecting keys leads to lack of assurance for predictable behaviours and you also cannot determine how the DOM elements might appear. Maintaining unique keys for single file components helps to predict the DOM manipulation by the Vue application.

Vuejs Best Practices

  •  Leverage Vuex Actions

Vuex actions handle asynchronous logic as well as side effects. Actions can call mutations as well as other actions and help with error handling by returning promises. Leveraging actions in Vuex promises several benefits:

  1. Concern separation between various store parts
  2. API calls directly in the mutation or component
  3. Reusability of actions across different components and mutations


  • Multiple V-Condition

Vue.js developers can update the title to “avoid using v-if in the v-for loop,” which can help avoid serious performance issues and ensure high UX. When using v-if inside a v-for loop, the v-if is evaluated in each loop iteration, leading to rendering and DOM updates that are not required.

  • Use Import-Cost packages

With a developer team handling the project, there are too many installed packages that hinder application performance. Using import cost packages lets you analyze the imported modular library and determine the issues with its growth.

  • Stay Consistent – Directive Shorthand

One of the easily observable Vue.js best practices is the use of shorthand for directives

  1. @ for v-on
  2. : for v-bind
  3. # for v-slot

However, an important thing to note is that you can either use them throughout the project or avoid them from the start. This leads to high code readability. Irreguar use of shorthand is among the most common mistake Vue developers make.

  • Code Splitting

Code splitting involves breaking code into small chunks that one can load on demand. Consequently, it leads to faster application loading and high performance. A standard way of code splitting is lazy loading that only essential code for a precise route component.

Lazy-loading components deployed in precise sections can help minimize the overall bundle size and boost application performance.
Example of lazy loading a route in Vue.js:

Code Splitting

The Dashboard.vue component data is loaded precisely with the above code when the user clicks or goes to the /dashboard route. This ensures high speed performance with optimized loading of the base components.

  • Abstain from v-html Use

Vue tracks data changes by recursively walking the data object and further modifying existing properties into reactive getters and setters. Using a v-html directive facilitates rendering raw HTML elements that has the potential of introducing security vulnerabilities unless user input is sanitized properly. Opt for computed properties or methods for sanitizing user input and present it as text.

In case rendering HTML is compulsory, you can consider a library like DOMPurify. It can help you sanitize the HTML prior to rendering.

  • Server-Side Authentication & Authorization

Hackers can easily bypass client-side authentication and authorization. This makes it paramount to implement server-side authentication and authorization. The Vuejs best practices involve using authentication protocols like OAuth or JWT and also ensuring complete security of all sensitive data and API endpoints

  • Use HTTPS

HTTPS is responsible for encryption of all data that are transmitted between the client and the server. The use of HTTPS and SSL certificates ensures greater security and also helps with search engine optimization of the website.

  • Routing

Most Vuejs developers trust client-side routing for building single page applications. However, Vue.js has an official plugin- VueRouter that provides out-of-the box functionalities and is simple to use. If your project involves use of VueCLI, it can be integrated to the application without having to install npm-install Vue-router.

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  • Integrate Multiple Classes to an Element

Vuejs developers can easily integrate dynamic classes into an element.

Integrate Multiple Classes to an Element

Another standard approach is:

Integrate Multiple Classes to an Element

  • kebab-case for managing event names

A kebab case is ideal for emitting and listening to custom events. Listening to PascalCase or camelCase is outdated. The kebab-case can declare the event that you will listen to. kebab-case is ideal because in the parent component, it’s the same syntax we deploy to listen to that event.

  • Deploy Selectors

Let us decode this practice with the help of Github code.

// We have this selector
export const language = (state) => state.userConfig.language;// In one of our actions, we need language:
// Bad
[GET_GAMES]({ commit, rootState }) {
const lang = rootState.userConfig.language;
// Do stuff…
// Good
[GET_GAMES]({ commit, rootState }) {
const lang = language(rootState);
// Do stuff…

  •  Props Validation

When building an extensive project, it becomes difficult to note type, format, and conventions that are deployed in the prop. It is essential to write prop validation according to the Vue-Style Guide, export default

props: {
status: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: function (value) {
return [
].indexOf(value) !== -1

  • Create an Understandable structure

There’s no default structure with Vue.js, except with Nuxt. The development team must design an easy-to-understand structure that eliminates the need for future modification, saving you from the hassle.

  •  Validate Input From Users

The website must be resistant to cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and other brute forces. Validating user input prepares the site against most cyber attacks. The Vue framework also provides data validation options like computed properties, watchers, and custom directives.

Wrapping Up

The Vuejs best practices are handy in building secure and scalable websites. Neglecting them can lead to unidentified issues on the websites. So, when choosing a developer, discuss their knowledge of the technology and how they stay tuned to modern innovations. It is essential to assess their capability of tackling day-to-day tasks of writing code, handling component logic, managing a unique Vue component and more.

At JS Panther, you can hire Vuejs developer with proven expertise and skill set. Our team ensures high-quality code with greater readability and performance.

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